Give us a call at (02) 66 425743 or (02) 56 211005
or contact us via email.
Orders are generally shipped the most economical way possible. Please include any special instructions with your order.
We are not responsible for lost or damaged Australia Post shipments.
Orders with multiple boxes may arrive over a period of days. Please inventory items immediately, as we are not responsible for missing or damaged items reported 30 days after invoice.
To track your order, log in to your account with your account number and select the invoice date.
If you request express service when ordering, we will ship your order per your direction. Express orders received weekdays by 11:00 am (AEST) generally ship the same day.
To keep assignments and testing material confidential for our teachers, we must personally review each digital order prior to processing. This usually takes one business day. Download instructions are sent via email once the order has been processed. Thanks for your patience.
To download your digital items, log in to your account and select “Downloads.” Find the product you want to download and click the “View Files” button. A list will appear with your downloadable files. Click on the item you wish you download.
Not sure how to login to your account? Click Here
To extract the ZIP in Windows, right-click the ZIP and select "Extract All." In Mac, simply double-click the ZIP.
Note: Most tablets cannot open ZIP folders. To use these resources on a tablet, first, download and extract the ZIP on a PC or Mac, and then transfer the needed files to your tablet. Software requirements for tablets may vary.
We've placed no digital rights management (DRM) protections on these files, but we'd appreciate it if you restrict the use of these resources to your home, school, or organization. Please note that all files remain the property of Positive Action for Christ.
Digital resources are available as a downloadable ZIP folder. This is a single, compressed file that contains multiple resources. Before viewing the files inside, you must first extract the ZIP on your Windows PC or Mac.
You can see the exact contents of each resource or image pack by visiting its product page. Samples of images and presentations are also available.