We have converted several of our devotional and educational resources to ebook format and published them on both the Kindle and iBook platforms. They're all free and here's a collection of the links.
Apples for Teachers
Apples are a traditional gift for schoolteachers, and it's our hope that this devotional will give you an "apple" a day of encouragement in your classroom ministry. Combining humor, love, and an insight gained from a life of teaching, Frank Hamrick challenges you to become a wise teacher.
Songs for Your Path
Filled with the joy, wisdom, and hope of the Psalms, this 180-day devotional will help guide you along the path God has set for His children.
The Heart of the Matter
What do you want for the young people in your school? The purpose of a Christian school is not to teach youth how to live, but to magnify the majesty of God. Christian school teachers are not behaviorists, but cardiologists. They aim for the heart---not only to encourage academic excellence, but also to challenge students to love God and exalt His name.
Focusing on God
Taken from lessons in Positive Action's secondary Bible curriculum, Focusing on God features 31 daily devotions to help you and your family seek God's majesty in His Word, in your life, and in your teaching.
Wisdom for Parents
Anyone who has been given the privilege of raising children knows that parenting requires great wisdom. Earthly wisdom is available everywhere you look, but in this 180-day devotional from the Book of Proverbs, Frank Hamrick challenges you to seek God's wisdom as you reflect His love to your children.
Photo by Aliis Sinisalu on Unsplash